Dashboards with user specified views are available as listed below. Content is visible when the user is logged into Smartsheet and their email address is contained in the specified field. Some dashboards offer views for several different types of users, such as the SER dashboard wish gives access to Advisors, Global SER approvers, and others.
Request Grade Update (RGU). Shows processing status of a request by Submitter, Instructor, RGU Viewer, Department Coordinator, or Department Chair. Viewers have access to download attachments.
Academic Scheduling
Processing status of Notes/Requests submitted in Maintain Schedule of Classes. Department Scheduler can view and add comments. Select the row to add a comment.
Special Enrollment Request (SER). Shows processing status of a request by Advisor, Global SER Approver, Pullman Department Approver, and Access Center. Active requests may be edited.
Pullman Email Master lists
PULLMAN Department Email master list. Visible to department coordinator and main contact. This email list is used by many Pullman/Global Registrar Office forms/requests to automatically send approval requests and notifications to the correct person/shared email.
Chair & Dean master report. Used by Catalog and Curriculum for some workflows. Information is copied to the Department Email master list as view only. Alternatively, use our dynamic view which is visible to the Department Main Contact and will just show your department. Chair & Dean Dynamic View.
Graduate Programs Master List. Visible to the department's Main Contact for the Graduate School. Click on the row to make changes to the information. Lists department contacts for interaction with the Graduate School.
To use these views, you must have a free Smartsheet account. You do NOT need a Smartsheet license. You may be signed up for the free trial; it will convert to a free user once it expires. Alternatively, email jill.freuden@wsu.edu and she will manually add you to the Registrar account as a free user.